Jack Crevalle
This fast and robust fighter will make you work for it from hook-up to finish—a beautiful fish that can grow over 3 feet in length.

Atlantic Bonito
The mighty mini tuna packs plenty of drag-pulling action into the game. Plus, they are pretty good in the pan, too.

Red Drum
You can find this one inshore or offshore, in the surf, or off a pier. But in the wash might just be my favorite place to tangle with these great fighters.

Spanish Mackerel
This underrated fish puts up a good fight the whole time, and you just might get some jumping acrobatics, too. Bring a cooler, as they are pretty good eating.

Florida Pompano
There’s a reason the majority of us Florida surf anglers target them! They put up a decent fight, but they really excel in the kitchen, with plenty of meat per fish.