
Deck Brush Scrubs Two Ways

Shurhold combo deck brush is gentle and tough.
Shurhold's Combo Deck Brush
Shurhold offers two deck brushes in one to save you time when washing your boat. Courtesy Shurhold

In the past, I used two deck brushes when scrubbing the boat with soap and water after a day of fishing. A brush with soft bristles covered 95 percent of the boat, but I had a stiff-bristle brush standing by for stubborn spots of dried blood and tracked-in dirt on the deck. Today I use only one brush — the ­Combo Deck Brush from Shurhold (about $34). A ring of long, soft bristles cleans most of the deck and the smooth fiberglass surfaces, while a core of short, tough fibers rests in the center. I deploy these stiffer bristles simply by pressing down on the brush when I need the extra scrubbing power. Combine this brush with a Shurhold 9-foot telescoping aluminum handle (about $38), and you can wash just about every spot on your boat with one tool.
