These are just a few of the emails received from outdoor communicators and the recreational fishing industry in response to the announcement of Andy Hahn retiring as Sport Fishing_ senior editor after a long and continuing struggle with ALS. You can make a donation to the Andy Hahn Fund with ALS Association to help less-fortunate ALS patients afford adaptive equipment and home care at_ — Ed._
(You can see samples of Andy’s magazine work here)
I deeply regret seeing you leaving the post you have so masterfully held for so many years. I’m sure I am just one of many who will greatly miss your skill and insight.
I want to sincerely thank you for the many times you provided whatever contact, tip or perspective I needed for a current assignment. Such kind and selfless commitment to the collective good of our profession is a rare gem and yours never failed to sparkle.
I wish you the very best in all that you do. If I may say, you have been an inspiration to me in more than just the professional sense. I’m proud to know you as a colleague and friend.
All the best for one of the best.
David A. Brown
Tight Line Communications
I can’t adequately describe to you how much I’ll miss reading your work. You have been a mentor as well as a friend, and I’m grateful to you. I will pray for you every day.
I will keep in touch. My love to Dona Ligia. If there is ever anything I can do, let me know.
Cal Gonzales
Outdoor Writer
I consider it an honor to meet people such as you. Our industry needs more of them. Here’s wishing you the best in your retirement.
Bill Liston
You have been an inspiration for me. Every time I read about your adventures I realize I shouldn’t let issues with my health get in the way of living my life. You have set a great example. I, as well as the World, will miss your articles.
I hope we can keep in touch and maybe even cross paths to wet a line someday.
Chris Littau
Always a professional, I commend you on what I know was not an easy decision for you. And in typical Andy Hahn fashion, you always look at things in the proper way.
You’ll always be a good friend, and I’ll always remember fishing with you in the Keys and talking about tackle at ICAST and on the phone. It always has been a pleasure dealing with someone who knows his stuff — always asking great questions; always making sure he had it right for his readers (and for us!).
Stay in touch my friend. If the Shimano boys ever send me down to Brazil, dinner will be on me (OK, OK, I’m sure I’ll expense it!!)
John Mazurkiwiecz
Catalyst Marketing
Thanks for all the help and support throughout the years. Without you I would still be trying to make an impression in the industry. You have helped us little guys immensely and we really appreciated all the support.
I know what every lies ahead of you that god is with you. If there is anything I can do for you please don’t hesitate. I am always around brother.
Ben Secrest
Accurate Fishing Products
I can only imagine how reluctant you are to resign your post. It was an absolute pleasure to have worked with you during our shared tenure at SF; I don’t think I’ve experienced a more trouble-free relationship with any other editor on any project in my career. You’ll always be the consummate professional against whom I’ll measure all others. (And I’ve always looked forward to and appreciated your updates on your hunting exploits. Here’s my wish for many more to come.)
David Shepherd
Freelance Illustrator
Dear Andy,
Thank you for the many times you wrote about our products, and so very carefully detailed their use in writing. I’ve always enjoyed everything you have written. All of us here at AFTCO wish you Godspeed and nothing but the best in your retirement!
Greg Stotesbury
You are an amazing man to have as a friend, your courage goes beyond anything that either of us could put into words.
May the wind be at your back…
Raleigh Werking
Tropic Star Lodge
If you would like to respond in brief to Andy’s retirement, please add a comment to this page below. Please email longer responses to and we’ll publish them here. — Ed.