Dry bags aren’t just for backpackers. In fact, anglers and boaters would be foolish to not use dry bags in the same way that hikers do. Dry bags are the perfect option to protect keys, cell phones, wallets and other small items from moisture and salt water. Larger dry bags can store extra clothing, towels, food, bottled water, boat electronics and just about anything else you want to keep dry on the boat. For anglers on a kayak or standup paddleboard, a dry bag serves as a portable dry storage locker. Dry bags also make the perfect ditch bag. They are a great spot to store flares, first aid kit, handheld GPS, handheld VHF radio, or personal locator beacon (PLB).
Dry bags are almost always made from PVC, nylon, or another waterproof material. Most dry bags are designed the same with a top section that rolls airtight and locking clip. Dry bags come in all different sizes, available to accommodate different-sized items needing protection from the elements. Consider the different styles of gear bags available to anglers and boaters today.
Duffel Dry Bag

If you want space to hold a lot of gear, consider a dry bag that’s more like a suitcase. The 60-liter Gonex Waterproof Duffel has straps on both sides for a handle, a top handle, and straps for cross body carrying. The duffel is completely waterproof. The bag closes by hook and loop, then finishes with an easy rolling top section. Lock it all down with a strap. An outside nylon zip pocket is designed to hold wet items like clothes or shoes, while staying separate from other items in the bag that must stay dry. The duffel style bag is a great option to use on airplanes, especially if you expect to experience rain or snow in your travels.
For Your Back

A rugged backpack dry bag might be the perfect option if you plan to go wade fishing or walk the shorelines while fishing. The Piscifun Waterproof Dry Bag Backpack is fully waterproof, made from 500D PVC to withstand the elements. Fully welded seams provide additional waterproofing when compared to traditional sewn-and-taped seams. Store all your fishing gear in the bag while sight fishing along the shorelines. A quick-access outer mesh pocket provides additional storage for items that can get wet such as pliers, fishing lures or sunglasses.
Pint-Sized Option

Some dry bags are just big enough to hold small personal items like phones, keys, wallet, pocket knife or lighter. The HEETA 2-Pack Waterproof Pouch is built from 100 percent waterproof PVC, designed with three zipper locks and Velcro closure. The pouch is lab-certified to handle an hour under water up to 35 feet deep. A pouch like this would make a great option to throw in your belongings if you have an open center console boat that gets little protection from the elements. Rather than jamming everything in pockets or throwing in cup holders, stash it in the pouch for when that inevitable rain storm appears.