Scent-Sational Baits

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 10 inches
** Colors:** Natural, silver mud
** Attractant:** Gulp!
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 4 per bag
** MSRP:** $12

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 4 inches
** Colors:** Molting, natural, new penny
** Attractant:** Gulp!
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 3 per bag
** MSRP:** $7

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 4 inches
** Colors:** Chartreuse pepper, glow/chartreuse, morning glory/chartreuse, new penny fleck, pearl white, pink, rootbeer gold/chartreuse, watermelon red glitter
** Attractant:** Gulp!
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 4 per bag
** MSRP:** $7

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 4 inches
** Colors:** Camo, killifish, new penny, nuclear chicken, pearl white, rootbeer gold, sardine, watermelon red glitter
** Attractant:** Gulp!
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 8 per bag
** MSRP:** $7

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 4 inches
** Colors:** Pearl white, smelt
** Attractant:** Gulp!
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 5 per bag
** MSRP:** $6

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 4 inches
** Colors:** Black, camo, chartreuse, glow, root beer gold, sapphire shine, smelt, smoke, pearl white, pink, pumpkinseed, red, watermelon, yellow
** Attractant:** Gulp!
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 12 per bag
** MSRP:** $7

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 2 inches
** Colors:** Amber glow,
** Attractant:** Gulp! Alive!
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** Pint container
** MSRP:** $20

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 inches
** Colors:** Molting, natural shrimp, new penny, pearl white
** Attractant:** Gulp! Alive!
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** Pint container
** MSRP:** $20

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 12 inches
** Colors:** Black, greeny
** Attractant:** Power Bait
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 2 per bag
** MSRP:** $7.50

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 8 inches
** Colors:** Glow, white
** Attractant:** Power Bait
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 2 per bag
** MSRP:** $4.90

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 5 inches
** Colors:** Mullet, pearl watermelon shad, pearl white
** Attractant:** Power Bait
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 6 per bag
** MSRP:** $4.90

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 4 inches
** Colors:** Chartreuse pepper/white, dorado, glow/chartreuse, speckled trout
** Attractant:** Power Bait
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 6 per bag
** MSRP:** $4.90

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 inches
** Colors:** Clear w/ gold fleck, glow/chartreuse, natural, new penny, pearl white
** Attractant:** Power Bait
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 3 per bag
** MSRP:** $6

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 4 inches
** Colors:** Natural, new penny, pearl white
** Attractant:** Power Bait
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 6 per bag
** MSRP:** $4.90

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 5 inches
** Colors:** Chartreuse/glitter, chartreuse/pepper, duct tape, electric candy, ghost, melonhead, rootbeer/gold, watermelon
** Attractant:** Fishbites
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 5 per bag
** MSRP:** $6

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 inches
** Colors:** Chartreuse/glitter, chartreuse/pepper, duct tape, electric candy, melonhead, new penny, pearl, rootbeer/gold
** Attractant:** Fishbites
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 6 per bag
** MSRP:** $5.80

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3.5 inches
** Colors:** Chartreuse/glitter, chartreuse/pepper, duct tape, electric candy, melonhead, new penny, pearl, rootbeer/gold
** Attractant:** Fishbites
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 6 per bag
** MSRP:** $6

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 5 inches
** Colors:** Bone silver, chartreuse gold, electric chicken, gold/red glitter, golden bream, morning glory/chartreuse tail, opening night, pearl, plum/chartreuse tail, pumpkin seed/chartreuse tail, strawberry/white tail, watermelon/red glitter
** Attractant:** Shrimp scent
** Biodegradable:** No
** Packaging:** 8 per bag
** MSRP:** $5.20

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 inches
** Colors:** Blue crab, golden crab, mangrove red, natural crab, new penny, old penny, pumpkin/green pepper, sand
** Attractant:** Exude
** Biodegradable:** No
** Packaging:** 8 per bag
** MSRP:** $5.85

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 4 inches
** Colors:** Black, chartreuse, chartreuse flake, luminescent, pumpkin pepper, smoke flake, white, yellow
** Attractant:** Exude
** Biodegradable:** No
** Packaging:** 15 per bag
** MSRP:** $4.85

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 4.25 inches
** Colors:** Bone diamond, chartreuse/gold flake, clear/gold flake, golden bream, green sardine/mosquito, mangrove red, morning glory, natural shrimp, new penny, old penny, rootbeer, salt & pepper shad, trout, watermelon seed, white pearl, white pearl/silktreuse
** Attractant:** Exude
** Biodegradable:** No
** Packaging:** 8
** MSRP:** $4.95

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 2.5 inches
** Colors:** Bone diamond, clear, golden bream, luminescent, mangrove red, measles, natural shrimp, new penny, opening day, pumpkin pepper/silktreuse, rootbeer/gold flake, silktreuse/luminescent
** Attractant:** Exude
** Biodegradable:** No
** Packaging:** 8 per bag
** MSRP:** $4.95

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 inches
** Colors:** Bone diamond, clear/black flake/pink tail, golden bream, gray ghost, luminescent, luminescent/silktreuse, mangrove red, measles, morning glory/chartreuse, natural shrimp, new penny, old penny, pumpkin/black flake/orange tail, pumpkin pepper/silktreuse, rootbeer/gold flake, rootbeer/red glitter
** Attractant:** Exude
** Biodegradable:** No
** Packaging:** 6 per bag
** MSRP:** $4.95

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 4.5 inches
** Colors:** Avocado, chartreuse pearl, chartreuse silver, chick on a chain, electric chicken, fishbelly, fishbelly/chartreuse, glow, glow/chartreuse, new penny, opening night, purple, rootbeer, shrimp, smoke pepper/chartreuse, strawberry
** Attractant:** Sci-X
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 7 per bag
** MSRP:** $5.50

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** inches
** Colors:** Avocado, chartreuse pearl, chartreuse silver, chick on a chain, electric chicken, fishbelly, fishbelly/chartreuse, glow, glow/chartreuse, new penny, opening night, purple, rootbeer, shrimp, smoke pepper/chartreuse, strawberry
** Attractant:** Sci-X
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 7 per bag
** MSRP:** $6

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 5 inches
** Colors:** Avocado, chartreuse pearl, chartreuse silver, chick on a chain, electric chicken, fishbelly, fishbelly/chartreuse, glow, glow/chartreuse, new penny, opening night, purple, rootbeer, shrimp, smoke pepper/chartreuse, strawberry
** Attractant:** Sci-X
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 6 per bag
** MSRP:** $6

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3.75 inches
** Colors:** Avocado, chartreuse pearl, chartreuse silver, chick on a chain, electric chicken, fishbelly, fishbelly/chartreuse, glow, glow/chartreuse, new penny, opening night, purple, rootbeer, shrimp, smoke pepper/chartreuse, strawberry
** Attractant:** Sci-X
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 7 per bag
** MSRP:** $6

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 inches
** Colors:** Avocado, chartreuse pearl, chartreuse silver, chick on a chain, electric chicken, fishbelly, fishbelly/chartreuse, glow, glow/chartreuse, new penny, opening night, purple, rootbeer, shrimp, smoke pepper/chartreuse, strawberry
** Attractant:** Sci-X
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 12 per bag
** MSRP:** $5.50

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 1.5 and 2 inches
** Colors:** Amber gold/red flake, electric chicken, grey ghost, new penny, natural
** Attractant:** Ultrabite pheromones
** Biodegradable:** No
** Packaging:** 10 (2-inch) or 12 (1.5- inch) per bag
** MSRP:** $15

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 and 4 inches
** Colors:** Chartreuse pepper glow, electric chicken, golden bream, herring, mullet, new penny, pearl, rootbeer gold flake
** Attractant:** Ultrabite pheromones
** Biodegradable:** No
** Packaging:** 18 (4-inch) or 24 (3- inch) per bag
** MSRP:** $15

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3.5 and 4.5 inches
** Colors:** Chartreuse pepper glow, electric chicken, golden bream, herring, mullet, new penny, pearl, rootbeer gold flake
** Attractant:** Ultrabite pheromones
** Biodegradable:** No
** Packaging:** 12 (4.5-inch) or 18 (3.5- inch) per bag
** MSRP:** $15

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 and 4 inches
** Colors:** Amber gold/red flake, electric chicken, grey ghost, new penny
** Attractant:** Ultrabite pheromones
** Biodegradable:** No
** Packaging:** 12 (4- inch) per bag
** MSRP:** $15

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 6 inches
** Colors:** Bleeding crawler, cargo, speckled pumpkin
** Attractant:** Releasing Feeding Pheromones
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 10 per bag
** MSRP:** $7

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 and 4 inches
** Colors:** Fluro lemon, pearl ghost, pink lemonade, sparkling melon, speckled pumpkin, tickled pink
** Attractant:** Releasing Feeding Pheromones
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 14 per bag
** MSRP:** $7

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3, 4 and 5 inches
** Colors:** Bubble gum, great white, pearl ghost, pearl pillie, sparkling lime, sparkling melon, speckled pumpkin
** Attractant:** Releasing Feeding Pheromones
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 12 (3-inch), 10 (4-inch), 7 (5-inch) per bag
** MSRP:** $7

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 and 4 inches
** Colors:** Cargo, glow, molting, new penny, pearl ghost, rootbeer, speckled pumpkin
** Attractant:** Releasing Feeding Pheromones
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 7 (3-inch), 5 (4-inch) per bag
** MSRP:** $7

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 5 and 7 inches
** Colors:** Nitro chicken, pearl ghost, pearl pillie, pink lemonade, sparkling melon, speckled pumpkin
** Attractant:** Releasing Feeding Pheromones
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 6 per bag
** MSRP:** $7

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3, 4 and 5 inches
** Colors:** Nitro chicken, pearl ghost, pearl pillie, pink lemonade, sparkling melon, speckled pumpkin
** Attractant:** Releasing Feeding Pheromones
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 12 (3-inch), 10 (4-inch), 6 (5-inch) per bag
** MSRP:** $7

Scent-Sational Baits
** Length:** 3 and 4 inches
** Colors:** Fluro lemon, pearl ghost, pearl pillie, sparkling melon, speckled pumpkin, tickled pink
** Attractant:** Releasing Feeding Pheromones
** Biodegradable:** Yes
** Packaging:** 14 (3-inch), 12 (4-inch) per bag
** MSRP:** $7