For the Family
2) What are the important safety and construction features they look for, or should look for?
3) What amenities seem to make them most happy and comfortable?
4) What are the key fishing features you make sure to include in any true family boat?

Boston Whaler 240 Dauntless
2)__ Versatility
3)__ Comfort
4)__ Fishability
5)__ Safety Vaughn says the 240 Dauntless meets all these needs. For comfort, it offers ergonomically designed seating that meets accepted guidelines for height, angle and support. — continued on next slide.

Dauntless Aft Bench Seat/Casting Deck
LOA 23 ft. 11 in.
BEAM 8 ft. 6 in.
DRAFT 14 in.
DEADRISE 16 deg.
MAX POWER 300 hp

EdgeWater 280cx

280cx Cruise Package Options
LOA 28 ft.
BEAM 9 ft. 6 in.
DRAFT 20 in. (boat only)
DEADRISE 21 deg.
MAX POWER 600 hp

Everglades 243cc

Standard Hardtop
LOA 24 ft. 3 in.
BEAM 8 ft. 2 in.
DRAFT 16 in. (boat only)
DEADRISE 19 deg.
MAX POWER 300 hp

Bow Lounge
LOA 28 ft.
BEAM 9 ft. 6 in.
DRAFT 20 in.
DEADRISE 19 deg.
MAX POWER 600 hp

Pursuit DC 325

DC 325 Belowdecks
LOA 34 ft. 6 in.
BEAM 10 ft. 10 in.
DRAFT 22 in.
DEADRISE 20 deg.
MAX POWER 600 hp

Scout 251 XS

Aft-Deck Seating
LOA 24 ft. 10 in.
BEAM 8 ft. 6 in.
DRAFT 13 in.
DEADRISE 18 deg.
MAX POWER 300 hp