
Wind Knots Photos


Tied Up in Knots

Wind knots this tight require cutting, not untangling. Adrian E. Gray

Tied Up in Knots

One fix is to replace your depleted braid with a higher pound-test with a brand such as Spiderwire.

Tied Up in Knots

“Finger” the main line as your cast nears completion to keep braid taut. Then, manually flip the bail to prevent loops and twists from entering the spool. Jason Arnold (

Tied Up in Knots

Watch out for loose line that’s slipped off your reel’s arbor — that slack is often the catalyst for wind knots and headaches. Sam Hudson

Tied Up in Knots

An overrun allowed loose line to grab hold of the braid exiting the reel. This is just the start of a tangle that will likely force the angler to cut a chunk of braided line from their spool. It pays to always keep your main line tight. Sam Hudson