Fueling up with ethanol gas
The National Marine Manufacturers Association is asking boaters to contact the Environmental Protection Agency to save our boats by reducing the ethanol mandate. The feedback deadline is January 28.
“Over the past few months, our industry has made tremendous progress in preventing the widespread implementation of high ethanol blends,” the NMMA says. In November, the EPA announced its proposal to modify the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and to reduce the amount of ethanol required to be blended into the nation’s fuel supply.
The EPA is now soliciting public comments on its proposal before rendering a final decision. The NMMA has created this page online where you can craft and send a message.
Ethanol, a gas additive made from corn, added to fuel in concentrations higher than 10 percent, such as the E15 currently approved for limited sale, can damage marine engines and equipment.
Last month, the NMMA testified before the EPA explaining the impact of the RFS on the marine industry. The NMMA will also be submitting written comments this month. But the agency believes that your voice, opinions and comments are critical to overall success.
“We already know that the ethanol and corn lobbies are submitting thousands of comments,” the NMMA says. “We can’t sit on the sidelines. It’s time to take action and let the EPA know that you want lower ethanol mandates in 2014.”