****Here’s what you need to know:****
In response to declining populations of striped bass, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is considering a reduction in recreational and commercial fishing mortality by 25 percent. Changes to striped bass regulations could have a significant impact on anglers like you, so your input can help ensure that these decisions are made in the best interest of the resource and all those who depend on it.
Right now the Commission is collecting public comments on Draft Addendum IV to Amendment 6 of the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass. They’ve put forth a variety of options for how to achieve the 25 percent benchmark over a one to three year period, including bag limits, size limits, slot limits, and allowing for trophy harvest.
****This affects you! So what can you do?****
Several meetings will be held throughout September that the public is free to attend. As a stakeholder in this decision, we encourage you to go. The full schedule with locations, dates, and times is below.
If you can’t be there in person, you can still give have a say on the proposed regulations. Send a message to Mike Waine by 5:00 PM (EST) on September 30, 2014.
Mike Waine
Fishery Management Plan Coordinator
1050 N. Highland St, Suite A-N
Arlington, VA 22201
703.842.0741 (FAX)
mwaine@asmfc.org using the subject line: Draft Addendum IV
Striped bass are arguably the most important saltwater recreational fish on the Atlantic Coast, so it’s critically important that managers get this right. If we don’t tell them what’s best for anglers, who will? To learn more, visit our Striped Bass issue page at KeepAmericaFishing.
****Delaware ****__September 11, 2014; 6 – 8 PM__DNREC Auditorium 89 Kings HighwayDover, Delaware Contact: John Clark at 302.739.9914 ****Maine****__September 4, 2014; 6-9 PM__Orion Performing Arts CenterMSAD#75, Mt. Ararat Middle School66 Republic AvenueTopsham, MaineContact: Terry Stockwell at 207.624.6553 ****Maryland ****__September 25, 2014; 6-9 PM __Cadby Theater, Kent Humanities BuildingChesapeake College1000 College CircleWye Mills, MarylandContact: Michael Luisi at 410.260.8341 ****Massachusetts****__September 3, 2014; 6 PM__MA DMF Annisquam River Station30 Emerson AvenueGloucester, Massachusetts Contact: Jared Silva at 617.626.1534 __September 4, 2014; 6 PM__Viking Club410 Quincy Avenue (Route 53)Braintree, MassachusettsContact: Jared Silva at 617.626.1534 ****Pennsylvania ****__September 17, 2014; 6 PM__Silver Lake Nature Center 1306 Bath RoadBristol, PennsylvaniaContact: Eric Levis at 717.705.7806 ****Rhode Island****__September 17, 2014; 6 PM__University of Rhode Island, Corless AuditoriumSouth Ferry RoadNarragansett, Rhode IslandContact: Nicole Lengyel at 401.423.1940******** | ****New Jersey****__September 4, 2014; 7-9 PM __Galloway Twp. Branch of the Atlantic Co. Library306 East Jimmie Leeds RoadGalloway, New JerseyContact: Russ Allen at 609.748.2020 __September 9, 2014; 7-9 PM__Ridgefield Park Elks Lodge #1506Corner of Spruce Avenue and Cedar Street Ridgefield Park, New JerseyContact: Russ Allen at 609.748.2020 __September 15, 2014; 7-9 PM__Toms River Town HallL. M. Hirshblond Room33 Washington StreetToms River, New Jersey Contact: Russ Allen at 609.748.2020 ****New York State****__September 16, 2014; 7 PM __Stony Brook University Wang Center TheaterStony Brook, New YorkContact: Carol Hoffman at 631.444.0476 __September 23, 2014; 7 PM__NYSDEC Region 3 Office21 South Putt Corners RoadNew Paltz, New YorkContact: Kathy Hattala at 845.256.3071 ****North Carolina****__September 29, 2014; 6 PM__Dare County Government Complex954 Marshall C. Collins DriveManteo North CarolinaContact: Michelle Duval at 252.808.8011 ****Virginia****__September 22, 2014; 6 PM__Virginia Marine Resources Commission2600 Washington Avenue, 4th FloorNewport News, VirginiaContact: Rob O’Reilly at 757.247.2248 __September 23, 2014; 6 PM__222 Taylor StreetColonial Beach, Virginia Contact: Martin Gary at 804.224-7148 |