In the next few days, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on the Sportsmen’s Act of 2014, which includes 8 bills that will benefit the sportfishing community, as well as recreational shooters and hunters. This historic legislation provides for increased access and the protection of traditional tackle.
Here are some that pertain to recreational anglers in this package are:
The Recreational Fishing and Hunting Heritage Opportunities Act — Directs U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management managers to facilitate recreational fishing and hunting on public lands and waters and to evaluate how these traditional outdoor activities will be impacted by the implementation of new regulations, management plans or land use initiatives.
AdvertisementThe Hunting, Fishing, and Recreational Shooting Protection Act – This section will prevent attempts to federally ban lead in recreational fishing equipment and ammunition components by clarifying the Toxic Substances Control Act. Recent petitions and court actions by anti-fishing and anti-hunting groups have attempted to impose a federal ban on lead in both fishing and hunting equipment.
The Keep America Fishing organization suggests to send a message and call your Representative’s office, and simply tell them to vote YES on H.R. 3590.